
Monday, 28 November 2011

How to make an Origami Star

  1. Making a star

    Making a star

    You need to get some star paper, or make your own. If you are using printer paper, cut it into half inch strips.

  2. Wrap the top 1/4th around your finger

    Wrap the top 1/4th around your finger

    You’re going to be making a perfect knot.
  3. Bring the end in front of the “tail”

    Bring the end in front of the "tail"

    We’re trying to make a very "clean" knot here.
  4. Tuck the end in the hole

    Tuck the end in the hole

    You can see the knot forming.
  5. Tightening the knot

    Tightening the knot

    This is, by far, the most important step. You want the tail to be just the right length. Too long, and you can’t wrap the other end around correctly, two short, and you don’t have anything to work with.
    Once you have a good length (takes some pratice), you want to make the knot very tight and flat.
  6. Bend the flap over

    Bend the flap over

    You want to crease it "with" the pentagon. What that means is you want to fold in the right direction.
  7. Turn the star over.

    Turn the star over.

    You’ll notice I didn’t tuck the first flap in. Most people do. It doesn’t seem to matter much.
  8. Fold the long end up.

    Fold the long end up.

    Again, make sure you are going "with" the star. In this case, it’s up and to the left. If you look at the bottom of the pentagon, you see that the angle is "right".
  9. Keep folding

    Keep folding

    You’re going to keep folding around the star, making sure each time you are going in the right direction. This is the easiest step.
  10. Right before you tuck the last bit in.

    Right before you tuck the last bit in.

    You’re going to tuck that little left over tail into the body of the star.
  11. Tucking the flap in

    Tucking the flap in

  12. Tucked in

    Tucked in

  13. “Puffing” it out.

    "Puffing" it out.

    This is one of the hardest steps. Using your nail or a sharp edge, press in, half-way between two points. Make sure you are totally perpindecular to the paper.
  14. An Origami Star!

    An Origami Star!

    You’re done. Now make 99 more.

Thursday, 24 November 2011


Garisan merupakan cantuman satu siri titik-titik.
Garisan merupakan unsur seni terpenting dalam aktiviti melukis, menggambar dan menulis.

Jenis-jenis Garisan
Jenis-jenis garisan boleh dikelaskan berdasarkan penggunaan bahan atau teknik yang menentukan rupa bentuk dan sifatnya.
Contohnya, pen marker akan memberikan garisan tebal, pen memberikan kesan garisan halus manakala berus dan dakwat memberi kesan garisan kasar.
· Garisan Tebal
· Garisan kasar
· Garisan nipis
· Garisan berlingkar
· Garisan berbulu
· Garisan pancaran
· Garisan beralun
· Garisan zig-zag
· Garisan Putus-putus

Garisan pada Alam Sekeliling
Garisan juga wujud pada objek alam sekeliling dan objek buatan manusia dalam rupa garisan yang tersembunyi di sebalik bentuk asalnya.

Pokok(garisan tebal)
Ranting pokok( garisan kasar) 
Urat daun(garisan nipis)
Titik hujan(garisan putus-putus)
Cendawan ( garisan pancaran )
Benang ( garisan berbulu)
Jejari roda basikal( grisan pancaran )
Racun nyamuk ( garisan berlingkar)
Garisan pembahagi jalanraya(garisan putus-putus)

 Kedudukan Garisan dapat menimbulkan pelbagai Kesan Perasaan
1. Garisan melintang -Memberi gambaran tenang
2. Garisan pepenjuru - memberi gambaran pergerakan
3. Garisan tegak - memberi gambaran teguh dan stabil
4. Garisan pancaran - memberi gambaran bertenaga

 Garisan Pergerakan
Garisan dapat mencipta pergerakan ilusi dengan menghasilkan garisan berulang-ulang.
-Garisan berlingkar - Garisan beralun -Garisan bergetar

Garisan untuk menimbulkan Bentuk
Garisan juga berupaya menimbulkan bentuk dengan menggunakan ton garisan.
Garisan yang rapat menimbulkan ton gelap manakala garisan yang berjarak atau jarang menimbulkan ton cerah.